Message from WKB President Kancho Pedro Roiz


Dear Shihan, Sensei, Senpai,
I would like to congratulate you all for the enthusiasm you have shown during this year
2020. A year that has left us great scars due to the loss of family and friends.
We start 2021 with the same uncertainty that we ended this year but with the firm
hope that we are facing the “beginning of the end”.

During this year we have been able to observe how each country and each dojo carried
out activities to the extent that they were allowed and they gave us the enthusiasm to
continue forward, demonstrating their enthusiasm and energy in the face of adversity.
Starting 2021 strong is something that characterizes this family. We are formed on the
basis of difficulties and challenges that are impossible for many people, culminating
them thanks to our spirit of “OSU”.

The word “OSU”, as some of you may already know, comes from the ancient fishermen
of Japan who rowed against the current in the face of the adverse conditions imposed
by the sea. In this way, together they raised that “OSU” in each row resisting with
courage, acquiring this word the qualities of resistance and endurance so as not to
surrender to anything. For this reason, in Kyokushin, the word “OSU” is so important,
using it in our trainings every day.

Despite the adversities that this year has presented to us, WKB has continued to grow
including great teachers and people among our ranks, who will continue to bring us
history and experience to continue enriching each and every one of our members.
Those of you who know me know that the illusion for this organization is to have a
place where each of us contributes our grain of sand and thus continue feeding this
thirst for learning that characterizes us so much.

Without a doubt, the motto for this new year is “Study the past and open to the

During these years traveling the world they have helped me to compile the history of
the roots of karate and kyokushin, learning to see the world differently. There are
always things that excite you and others that disappoint you in history, but all these
things give meaning to what we do, beyond the blows and the infinite repetitions of
techniques. Search and innovation is what gives meaning to this great family that we
have formed, the common learning between teachers and students. This “knowing
without distinctions” valuing the idea and knowledge is what will make us grow, being
honest with ourselves and with our students.

Once they asked me what Karate was and I told them: “Karate is sensations, without
sensations Karate is like an empty shell.”

I would not like to say goodbye without thanking you for all the trust you place in me
every day.

Happy New Year everyone, OSU !!