6th Winter Camp WKB HELLAS


The 6th  Winter camp of WKB HELLAS took place  in the beautiful  mountainous place of  Elati  in Greece  during  the 27-29 of January, 2017.  Once again , we had the honour to host the President of  WKB, Hanshi Pedro Roiz . Thus, the athletes had the opportunity to practise  with such  an  exceptional master of karate as is Hanshi Pedro Roiz.

Summary of the seminar :

The three-day  course  was conducted by the basic trainers: Hanshi Pedro Roiz (8 dan),  Sensei Papapoulios Ioannis (4 dan)  and the coaches: Sensei Leonidas Adonis 4 dan,  Georgios Robos 3 dan and Senpai Kostas Ioannidis.  The seminar attended by  many students , both junior and seniors  from the dojos of:  Kalabaka , Almiros Volos , N.Agxialos Volos, N.Smirni Athens and Amintaio, Florina.

Trainings were  held in two places.  Both in exterior places in nature and indoor as well.  The exterior trainings were a real challenge as the weather conditions were extremeny freezing cold with low temperatures below 0. The most impressive highlight  of the event was that Hanshi asked the athletes to take their trainers off and continued to train barefoot on the snow.

During the seminar, There was a general training session, open to all levels, included traditional kyokushin – kihon – kata, knock down techniques, Budokai techniques as well as a program full of dynamic cardio exercises for the strengthening and endurance  of the athletes. The seminar included also masterclass sessions designed for the most advanced students and coaches.  The first and the last  day contained two training sessions and the second day three training sessions. Furthermore, the interior trainings lasted for more than three hours each.

The Branch Chief  and conductor of the seminar Sensei Papapoulios Ioannis 4 dan would like to congratulate all the participants attended the event. Especially, wants to express his gratitude towards Hanshi Pedro Roiz for his overall support  and assistance in  the  development of WKB HELLAS. Moreover, he wants to thank all his athletes for their hard work and persistence  and their families as well for their support.

It was a prestigious course  with a great success and we are looking forward to our next big  summer camp WKB  HELLAS now in summer.